New Scaler

Modern Slavery Policy


Businesses are required by the Modern Slavery Act of 2015 to publish a transparency statement outlining the steps they have taken to ensure that modern slavery does not exist within their organisation or in any of their supply chains.

The Act mandates this statement. It is illegal and unethical to engage in modern slavery, which is a violation of basic human rights. A person’s freedom can be taken away from them by another in order to be exploited for personal or commercial gain in a variety of ways, including slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking.

There is zero tolerance for modern slavery at New Scaler Limited, and as a result, the company is dedicated to taking the necessary steps to ensure that everyone who works for the company, in any capacity, is treated with respect for their basic rights and freedoms.

Our supplier chain

New Scaler has established a preferred vendor list and adheres to a strict supplier policy. Before allowing a supplier to become a preferred supplier, we perform background checks on them.

An online search is part of this due diligence, as is an on-site audit of working conditions, if necessary, to make sure the organisation has never been convicted of crimes related to modern slavery. As part of our contract with all suppliers, we require them to certify that no part of their operations conflicts with our anti-slavery policies.

In addition to the foregoing, we require suppliers, as part of their contract with us, to confirm to us:

  • Whether modern slavery has been eliminated from their company.
  • They hold their own suppliers accountable for any misconduct relating to this policy.
  • Whether they pay their employees at least the national minimum wage or the national living wage, and they are committed to doing so appropriately.
  • We have the right to end the contract at any time if evidence of modern-day slavery is discovered.
Our policies

Our company has a number of internal policies in place to ensure that all of our business dealings are honest and ethical. Among them are:

  • Anti-Slavery Policy: Modern slavery is a serious issue for the company, and the Anti-Slavery Policy explains how employees can spot it and where they can get assistance.
  • Code of business conduct: This policy outlines the standards of conduct we expect from our employees and suppliers alike.
  • Recruitment policy: To prevent human trafficking and forced labour, we have a strict recruitment policy that includes checking of all applicants’ eligibility to work in the United Kingdom.
  • Whistleblowing Policy: It is important to us that all of our employees know they can raise concerns about how their colleagues are being treated, or practises in our business or supply chain, without fear of repercussion.
Employee Training

For our procurement and purchasing teams, we hold regular training sessions on how to spot signs of modern slavery and what to do if they suspect it is taking place in our supply chain.

Indicators of our success

As long as slavery and/or human trafficking is not taking place in our business or supply chain, we can measure the effectiveness of our anti-slavery efforts.

  • There have been no reports of modern slavery from our employees, the public, or law enforcement agencies.

This statement was approved by the New Scaler Executive Board and was made official.