New Scaler

Navigating Hybrid Cloud Migration: Your Roadmap to Success

New Scaler

Navigating Cloud Migration in a Hybrid Setup: Your Roadmap to Success

Welcome to this blog, where we will embark on a journey into the realm of cloud migration within a hybrid environment. As organisations seek to harness the benefits of the cloud while maintaining on-premises assets, understanding the nuances of hybrid cloud migration becomes essential. Here we will explore the key considerations, benefits, and first steps you can take on your cloud migration journey.

Understanding Hybrid Cloud Migration

A hybrid cloud environment combines on-premises infrastructure with cloud resources, offering flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Hybrid cloud migration involves moving applications, workloads, and data between on-premises and cloud environments, seamlessly bridging the gap between the two.

Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Migration

Hybrid cloud migration presents a range of benefits for organisations:

  1. Flexibility: Enjoy the flexibility of choosing where to host different workloads based on requirements, performance, and compliance needs.
  2. Scalability: Scale resources as needed by leveraging cloud elasticity, accommodating varying workloads without overprovisioning.
  3. Cost Optimisation: Optimise costs by leveraging the cloud for peak loads, while retaining critical workloads on-premises to avoid unnecessary expenses.
  4. Data Mobility: Seamlessly move data between on-premises and cloud environments, facilitating disaster recovery, backup, and access.
  5. Innovation: Accelerate innovation by leveraging cloud services and advanced technologies while integrating them with existing systems.

First Steps: Assessing and Planning

Before embarking on your hybrid cloud migration journey, consider these crucial first steps:

  1. Assessment: Evaluate your existing IT landscape, applications, and workloads. Identify candidates for migration based on factors such as complexity, dependencies, and business impact. New Scaler offers assessment workshops that can set you up for smooth transition & strong cloud foundation.
  2. Workload Mapping: Map your workloads to the cloud environment that best suits their requirements. Consider performance, security, compliance, and data dependencies.
  3. Cloud Readiness: Assess the readiness of your applications for the cloud. Determine if modifications are needed to ensure compatibility with the target cloud platform.
  4. Cost Analysis: Analyse the cost implications of migrating each workload. Consider factors like infrastructure costs, licensing, and ongoing operational expenses.
  5. Data Strategy: Develop a data migration strategy. Determine how data will be transferred, transformed, and synchronised between on-premises and cloud environments.
  6. Security and Compliance: Address security and compliance considerations. Ensure that data protection measures, access controls, and regulatory requirements are met.

Mapping Your Migration Journey

Once you have completed the initial assessments, it’s time to chart your migration journey:

  1. Prioritisation: Prioritise workloads based on factors such as business value, technical feasibility, and impact on operations.
  2. Phased Approach: Adopt a phased migration approach. Begin with less complex workloads to build experience and confidence before tackling mission-critical applications.
  3. Testing and Validation: Thoroughly test migrated workloads in the cloud environment. Validate performance, functionality, and security before moving critical data.
  4. Monitoring and Optimisation: Implement monitoring and management tools to track performance and costs. Continuously optimise resources and configurations.


Navigating cloud migration within a hybrid setup demands careful planning, assessment, and execution. By embracing hybrid cloud migration, organisations can leverage the best of both worlds—seamlessly integrating on-premises assets with the flexibility and scalability of the cloud.

As you embark on your hybrid cloud migration journey, remember that the right assessment and planning lay the foundation for success. By understanding your workloads, assessing readiness, and crafting a well-defined migration strategy, you will navigate the complexities of hybrid cloud migration with confidence.

Stay curious, stay informed, and continue architecting with a visionary mindset.

Cheers to your hybrid cloud migration success!


If you need New Scaler’s assistance, get in touch with us on or 01628 360 600.